Saturday, 3 August 2013

Ballet Theatre UK Day 5; Part 2

So after lunch, we had time for one more rehearsal before the performance! By this point, I really felt unwell- it was very hot in the studio, and I hadn't had much water. Anyway, the show must go on!! I was slightly annoyed at myself in the adagio; on my left leg, I drew the leg up to passe far too quickly- I knew as soon as i'd done it that i shouldn't have, as it really threw me off balance- so had to drop it back down. Then, because I wasn't thinking straight (being so stressed about the Spanish dance!) when we ran off to the side, I went back into the other studio to prepare for the Spanish, and muttered a few select words as I realised no-one had followed me!!! I was utterly disorientated; what the heck was even going on?! until I realised I needed to get across the studio, for the Hailstorm dance. So, here was everyone stood neatly in position, and me running apologetically (probably not even gracefully!) across the studio to reach my place. If Chris was looking at me as if he wanted to kill me just then, I really wouldn't have blamed him, i am so sorry!!! Anyway. I think the Hailstorm went quite well (thank you for actually staying on my foot this time, shoe!!!) and next came the Spanish trio. By this time, I was hugely stressy, thinking "Shoes, I am trusting you here with my reputation! Don't you DARE betray me please!!!" Anyway, I grabbed my fan, and got ready to dance. Thoughts such as "This is Spanish; Spanish dancers are vivacious and charismatic! Do not let your audience have any idea that you feel ready to collapse and die! Perform!!!" zipped through my head, but as the dance began, I just felt determined to enjoy it. All of the releves, thankfully, went well, except for one irritating soutenu turn right at the end, which remained en demi pointe. Annoying. Extremely grateful that I had managed to get through it without falling flat on my face, I yanked off my pointe shoes ready for Chris' gorgeous Classical choreography. It reminded me a bit of 'the Snow Queen', with lots of beautiful, precise positions and high extensions. I loved dancing that piece, and it certainly gave me lots of ideas for my own choreography! The floor patterns were relatively simple, meaning the piece wasn't too confusing! However, the studio was almost unbearably hot; I was beginning to feel extremely close to fainting- I felt sick, and my head was like fuzz. Looking at my mum, it concerned me that her expression was grave, verging on terrified- had I danced that badly?!!! (Later, she told me that I really had looked seconds away from passing out!!) I pushed all of this to the back of my mind though, as we prepared for the Contemporary dance. It was an extremely emotional piece for me, I loved pouring all my energy into it- to me, it was a way of communicating with my Angels, thanking them for the gift of dance, but also for guiding me through times when my life felt pointless. (In particular, I was touched by how, in the dance, the Spirit appears twice; I have had 2 beloved, beautiful moments in the past 5 years when my Angels have visited me, giving me hope) I felt quite drained after the Contemporary piece- as one would after something so breathtaking. I was quite glad that I didn't explain the storyline of the piece to my mum; I think if she had sat there sobbing, it might have been slightly distracting!!! ;) Tania's fun Jazz piece came last, and I genuinely struggled to find the strength to stay standing, I felt so sick and dizzy- a mix of heat and exhaustion I think!! However, it went very well, and at the end, Chris presented us all with certificates, which was lovely :) Thank you so much to Chris and Tania for an incredible week, I have learnt so, so much, and can't wait to start Associates in September!! P.S- Yesterday alone, my blog had nearly 210 views, bringing my overall views to well above 2000; thank you so much! If you can, please like/share my Facebook page too, and spead the dancing love!!! <3 xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Ballet Theater UK Day 5 had very interesting play by ballet. there have wonderful idea to bring this wonderful play.

    Ballet business | Rachel Withers
