Friday, 2 August 2013

Ballet Theatre UK Day 5; Part 1

The final day is here already!! In Classical class this morning, Tania was her usual vivacious self, but she got particularly excited over an arabesque en fondu. We were at the barre, and our adagio involved an arabesque on a croise alignment, en fondu. I particularly like arabesques on my left leg, because my back is quite flexible so I can easily get the right leg to penche. Anyhow, just as we did the arabesque, Tania turned to look at me, and shrieked, rapidly getting louder and more ecstatic, "Yes!! Back up! Extend the leg! TurnoutTurnoutTurnout! Stretchtheknee... YES SOPHIE! Yes! That is so beautiful! Perfect!!!" Meanwhile, i was stood very awkwardly, with my right leg at 180 degrees behind me, my left leg bent in a deep plie, attempting to keep my back straight, head poised, and arms graceful, whilst breathing, and not collapsing. I love it when teachers get hyperactive like that- yesterday, in a grand allegro enchainement, I was first to dance it, and Chris very happily yelled over the music "Chasse pas de bourree, glissade.... LEAP! Up up up! extend! Go!! Yes, that's good!!" There is probably nothing more satisfying than a teacher hollering praise and encouragement at the top of their voice!! (And yet, Chris and Tania were both amazing with giving corrections in class, not once did they yell; it was all incredibly discreet. Chris had truly perfected the art of diplomatic constructive criticism- he would look intently at a particular dancer, then address the entire class with the correction, so that it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, which I think was fabulous. Also, I loved how Tania gave corrections whilst enthusiastically praising a dancer, for example; "Yes, that's good! Pull up on the supporting leg, lift the eyeline! Perfect! Yes!" so that the entire thing felt like praise, with such subtle hints!) Anyhow. After classical class came a gruelling series of rehearsals for the afternoon's showcase performance. We were to perform a few class exercises in the centre, followed immediately by Tania's 'hailstorm' dance, which was en pointe. This meant that our adagio had to be danced in pointe shoes; yuck. Even worse, I had to stand on the front row, next to an absolutely incredible dancer, who is in Graduate Year at Tring; all of her dancing was so gorgeous, but it didn't half make me look bad!!!! ;) Also, in Tania's Hailstorm, I had a minor "Houston, we have a pointe-problem!" moment when my shoe slipped entirely off my foot! Oh well! I felt quite nervous about the Spanish variation, as i hadn't got used to my new pointes, having never danced in them before, so I still struggled a bit. In general though, the rehearsal went well, and we ran the entire show again before lunch. By this time, I was exhausted, and it only jut occurred to me that I could've invited my lovely sister (aka Bestest-Friend-Ever) to come and watch! At 1.45 I sent her a text asking her to be here for 2.30... thank you for putting up with my desperately last-minute ness!!! ;) xxx

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