Saturday, 4 June 2016

Summer Showcase

The end of term draws closer. It is quite a strange feeling to see how people at my old school are doing their A-levels, starting exam leave- academic boredom feels a universe away and yet I remember it so vividly.... 
Today we have our final showcase performances, in Stirling, having opened the show in Oban a fortnight ago. I am dancing in three pieces, all of which are contemporary. It has been fascinating to see how each choreographer works so differently; Natasha was very experimental in the creation of her piece "Inertia", whereas Martin asked us to choreograph duet phrases ourselves for his piece, meanwhile Indra knew exactly what movements she wanted from the offset.
We had a week of theatre rehearsals in Oban, followed by opening night, then have continued rehearsals in preparation for this week- we have also had lots of classes to rehearse for our upcoming RAD exams.

The dark nights have vanished now; it seems to be always sunny, and last night a beautiful double rainbow shone over the studios, a symbol of optimism- my injured foot is also healing, and I am beginning to be able to do pointe work again! :D

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