Friday, 20 December 2013


So at the end of class at Ballet Theatre UK, obviously we do a reverence together, but after class, I like to do a curtsey to the teacher by myself and say thank you. On Sunday, as everyone else was taking their shoes off, I went up to Tania, did a small reverence, and thanked her for the class. And she curtsied too!! Awww! that really made my day, because a reverence is a sign of respect- most teachers just nod and smile at me, but for her to curtsey back to me shows that she is respectful and thankful of my effort in class... :) <3

BTUK Associates

Last week at Associates we learnt the Swan Lake coda, it was so gorgeous!! but my toenails were really long because I didn't think we would be doing pointework, so my feet were agony!!! I had to keep reminding myself to look pretty because the audience don't care- or realise- if you're in pain!!! class was so fun, Tania got us to do triple pirouettes! and the other day, I was working on pirouettes- I got quadruples, and once.... five!! five pirouettes! Aaah :D

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


So I have to memorise a 3000 word essay for English at school? Don't they realise I already have several poems, a few monologues, Grade 6, intermediate & Advanced ballet syllabi, as well as several solos, dances and enchainements whirling round my head???? :P