Thursday, 19 September 2013

Dress Rehearsals!!

Tonight is dress rehearsal for 'The Show that Rocked' at the Concordia Theatre. I'm really excited- all of my costumes look amazing! On Tuesday, we had a run-through on stage without costume- we did the pointework dance on demi-pointe, and the stage was mega-slippery, so doing it on pointe proimises to be.... interesting!!! ;) So, i just realised that i forgot to write about the actual show!!!! We had 3 wonderful performances- i felt particularly proud of the Grade 2's & 3's, whose dances i helped to teach :) the last night was quite emotional, but at the same time, it seemed magical to wonder- next time i perform, where will i be, what role will i be playing, who will i be dancing with? :)

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Fouettes and show rehearsals

In pointe class yesterday, we focused on fouette releves. I think I prefer the fouettes en tournant; that way, its only really possible to go 'splat!' backwards, or fall off pointe. In fouette releves, you could fall forwards over the box, backwards, or to either side. hmm. And also, my toenails were far too long, so i literally felt as if they were about to snap off. Grrr. More positively, our show is in a week's time- exciting! My costumes are nearly finished, and are lovely (except for a purple velour creation that makes my ribs, shoulders and hips look disproportionately wide.....) lol :)

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Graeme Hawley masterclass

So today I went to an awesome acting materclass with Graeme Hawley, from Coronation St! I focused on a monologue from Romeo & Juliet, and Graeme really helped me to consider Juliet's emotions, and how to maintain the character throughout the piece. We also learnt about the Alexander Technique, which is a fab yoga-like routine with a partner- its awesome for posture!!! :)